Hospital Definitions

The information on the CalOptima Hospital Search tool is self-reported by the provider at the time of initial credentialing and at least every three years thereafter at the time of re-credentialing, except accreditation status, which CalOptima confirms. All information in the hospital directory is updated within one week of receipt of accurate and confirmed information.

      Hospital DefinitionInformation Collection and Validation
 Facility Name   N/A  Information is self-reported and updated every three years during re-credentialing. Changes may occur between validation time frames.
 Location  N/A  Information is self-reported and updated every three years during re-credentialing. Changes may occur between validation time frames.
Phone Number N/A Information is self-reported and updated at least annually by the provider. Changes may occur between validation time frames.
 Accreditation Identifies whether the facility undergoes a review to assess the quality of its systems and processes by an external accreditation organization. Information is self-reported and updated every three years during re-credentialing. Changes may occur between validation time frames.
Hospital Quality Data from Recognized Sources Provides information on how well hospitals provide recommended care to their patients. Information is self-reported and updated every three years during re-credentialing. Changes may occur between validation time frames.