Take action to keep your Medi-Cal

Report any new changes to your name, mailing address, email address and phone number, so the County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) can contact you. Call 1-800-281-9799. This may help you keep your Medi-Cal coverage.

Protect Your Personal Information

CalOptima Health learned that unauthorized people are making unsolicited visits to our members’ homes. They ask to see your CalOptima Health ID and other personal information and sometimes introduce themselves as CalOptima Health employees. These unauthorized people may offer a free wireless phone if you share your CalOptima Health ID card and other government-issued ID cards (such as a driver’s license or Social Security card).

Please be aware that these people are not CalOptima Health employees and CalOptima Health employees never visit members’ homes without a scheduled appointment. CalOptima Health does not offer free wireless phones. Please keep your personal information private.

If you gave your CalOptima Health ID to an unauthorized person, please report it to CalOptima Health toll free at 1-888-587-8088 (TTY 711) and request that a security passcode be placed on your CalOptima Health account. You may request to verify your CalOptima Health account activities and review your Protected Health Information (PHI).

If there are activities on your account that you did not approve, please call CalOptima Health at the phone number above or email Fraud@CalOptima.org.

Please stay safe by protecting your personal information from unauthorized people.

On February 21, 2024, there was a data breach with one of CalOptima Health’s partners, Change Healthcare (CHC). CHC helps process payments from CalOptima Health to doctors. CHC is looking into what happened. CalOptima Health doesn’t know yet if member-protected health information is affected. If your information was part of the breach, you will get a notice with support choices. Please know that this incident doesn’t change how you get your health care. CalOptima Health takes the privacy of your personal information very seriously and is working closely with CHC to fix this issue quickly. For more information about the CHC incident, please go to: https://www.changehealthcare.com/hipaa-substitute-notice

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