Health and Wellness


Stay Current On Your Immunizations

Stay Current on Your Immunizations
and Well-Care Visits

You can take charge of your health by staying current on well-care visits, screenings and immunizations (also known as vaccines or shots). A well-care visit, sometimes called a yearly physical or checkup, is when your doctor can discuss ways to improve your health and help prevent disease. At this visit, your doctor may talk to you about the screenings and immunizations you need.

For children, these visits are an important part of keeping healthy in the first years of life. Well-care visits may include developmental screenings (to track a child’s growth), health screenings and immunizations. Childhood immunizations are an important part of health care and given to protect health. They prevent diseases and illnesses.

They do not cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), autism or other diseases. Please visit your doctor to make sure all your child’s immunizations are up to date. Remember to bring your child’s yellow card (immunization card) to each doctor’s visit to keep track of all immunizations received.

For adults, this visit is to check your health and help find health problems early. Your doctor may talk to you about health screenings and exams to stay healthy. These screenings and exams can prevent illness and detect disease early.

Some tips to make the most of your visit are:

  • Be prepared. Bring your health ID card and a list of all the medicines, vitamins and herbs you are taking.

  • Write down all your health concerns, symptoms and questions you may have for your doctor before your visit.

  • Be honest. Your doctor cannot give you the best treatment without all the facts.

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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