Take action to keep your Medi-Cal

Report any new changes to your name, mailing address, email address and phone number, so the County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) can contact you. Call 1-800-281-9799. This may help you keep your Medi-Cal coverage.

On February 21, 2024, there was a data breach with one of CalOptima Health’s partners, Change Healthcare (CHC). CHC helps process payments from CalOptima Health to doctors. CHC is looking into what happened. CalOptima Health doesn’t know yet if member-protected health information is affected. If your information was part of the breach, you will get a notice with support choices. Please know that this incident doesn’t change how you get your health care. CalOptima Health takes the privacy of your personal information very seriously and is working closely with CHC to fix this issue quickly. For more information about the CHC incident, please go to: https://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/ns/health-data-breach/faq.html


CalOptima Health 查覺到,未經授權的人主動造訪我們會員的家。他們要求查看您的 CalOptima Health ID 和其他個人資訊,有時會自我介紹為 CalOptima Health 員工。如果您顯示 CalOptima Health ID卡和其他政府頒發的身份證(如駕照或社會安全卡),這些未經授權的人可能會提供您一隻免費無線電話。

請注意,這些人不是 CalOptima Health 的員工,CalOptima Health 的員工在沒有預約的情況下絕不會造訪會員的家。CalOptima Health 不提供免費無線電話。請保護您的個人資訊。

如果您已將您的 CalOptima Health ID 提供給未經授權的人,請撥打免費電話 1-888-587-8088 (TTY 711) 向 CalOptima Health 報告,並要求在您的 CalOptima Health 帳戶上設置安全密碼。您可以要求驗證您的 CalOptima Health 帳戶活動清單並查看您的受保護健康資訊 (Protected Health Information, PHI)。

如果您的帳戶中存在您未批准的活動項目,請通過上述電話號碼致電 CalOptima Health 或發送電子郵件至 Fraud@CalOptima.org

